We were a thriving thirty two seater cafe that had been established twelve and a half years at the time, business could not have been better with customers dining in enjoying the ambiance and great food.
Follow us as we share our journey coming out of a pandemic and highlight some of the amazing things we have in store for our customers in the coming years.
We were a thriving thirty two seater cafe that had been established twelve and a half years at the time, business could not have been better with customers dining in enjoying the ambiance and great food.
Post pandemic people’s habits have definitely changed, they have got used to staying indoors and shopping on line so much so it’s like a nation of recluses have been born, its taking a long time for people to get back to a new normal whatever that maybe!
We decided to refurbish the cafe, as it was looking a bit tired (like me) so it was given a brand new look but in keeping with the old mill, the seating area was reduced to twenty two and the kitchen extended to help us adapt further to online orders.
Competition is fierce right now, the likes of Greggs, Pound Bakery, McDonald’s will continue to make Hay whilst the sun shines due to the economic squeeze on the consumers purse strings!
Adaptation is key to continued survival. Dedication is the key to continued success. Watch this space…
Well as a company we have actually come full circle which is no surprise to me. In 2024 we are seeing an increase of our corporate catering (visit www.fivefoodcatering.co.uk for more information). In 2008 when we first launched Five Food which was initially Five A Day Co (food innovation via
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